Heather Pilchard
Heather Pilchard is a painter, photographer and bookbinder. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in 1995. She has exhibited widely in New England as well as nationally. Pilchard is a year-round resident of Eastham on Cape Cod and lives in a house just above a salt marsh. She is a volunteer with the Wellfleet Bay Audubon Society helping to rescue cold stunned sea turtles and monitors diamondback terrapins during their nesting season.
Pilchard lives the landscapes of the Outer Cape on Cape Cod daily. Through her intimate knowledge of the ebb and flow and seasonal changes of the landscape, she captures the poetry and the timeless invitation it extends to each of us to ponder, reflect and dream. “The paintings in essence become meditations on the natural world which I hope to convey my deep awe and respect for. I like to think of my work as a place where careful observations of the natural world and inner vision meet.”